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Risultati 1-20 di 450


confini e conflitti fra Vicino Oriente e mondo greco-romano

[3]: Le civiltà del Vicino Oriente

Assiri, Babilonesi, Egizi, Fenici, Ebrei, Persiani

Egitto e Vicino Oriente antichi

tra passato e futuro : studi e ricerche sull'Egitto e il Vicino Oriente in Italia : 1. Convegno nazionale, Pisa, 5-6 giugno 2017

Nuit de pleine lune sur Amurru

mélanges offerts à Leila Badre

The political economy of middle east peace

the impact of competing trade agendas

The Middle East and North Africa

a survey and directory of Aden (South Arabia), Algeria, Chad ... with geographical, historical and economic surveys, concise information about political, industrial, financial, cultural and educational organizations, and Who's Who in the Middle East and North Africa

Identity, diversity & contact

from the Southern Balkans to Xinjiang, from the upper palaeolithic to Alexander

  • International Congress "The East" 1. Brussels 2019

The Middle East

a physical, social and regional geography

  • Fisher, William Bayne

Life as politics

how ordinary people change the Middle East

  • Bayat, Asef

Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides

peuplement et dynamiques spatiales : actes du Colloque Continuités de l'occupation entre les périodes byzantine et abbasside au Proche-Orient, 7.-9. siècle, Paris, 18-20 Octobre 2007

  • Colloque Continuités de l'occupation entre les periodes byzantine et abbasside au Proche-Orient, 7.-9. siècles Paris 2007

The ancient Near East in the Nineteenth Century

appreciations and appropriations

  • McGeough, Kevin M.

Imports and immigrants

near Eastern contacts with Iron Age Crete

  • Hoffman, Gail L.

Mesopotamia and the Bible

comparative explorations

Risultati 1-20 di 450