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Risultati 180-200 di 450

Eredità del 20. secolo in Medio Oriente

atti del Convegno di Taormina, settembre 2000

Muslims, Mongols and crusaders

an anthology of articles published in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

The contemporary Middle East

a documentary history

  • Felton, John

Global peace e guerre d'Oriente

Balcani Medio Oriente Asia centrale

  • Panebianco, Massimo

A revolutionary year

the Middle East in 1958

The Superpowers, Israel and the future of Jordan, 1960-1963

the perils of the pro-Nasser policy

  • Shalom, Zaki

Water and peace

water resources and the Arab-Israeli peace process

  • Kally, Elisha

The fertile crescent 1800-1914

a documentary economic history

  • Issawi, Charles


Mari, Ebla et les Hourrites : dix ans de travaux : actes du Colloque international, Paris, mai 1993

What went wrong?

the clash between Islam and modernity in the Middle East

  • Lewis, Bernard 1916-2018

In the Anglo-Arab labyrinth

the McMahon-Husayn correspondence and its interpretations, 1914-1939

  • Kedourie, Elie

L'Europe et l'Orient

de la balkanisation à la libanisation : histoire d'une modernité inaccomplie

  • Corm, Georges 1940-

Unity and diversity

essays in the history, literature and religion of the ancient Near East

Societies and languages of ancient Near East

studies in honour of I. M. Diakonoff

The Medieval Levant

studies in memory of Eliyahu Ashtor, (1914-1984)