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Risultati 80-100 di 450

Material culture and mental spheres

Rezeption archäologischer Denkrichtungen in der Vorderasiatischen Altertumskunde : Internationales Symposium für Hans J. Nissen, Berlin, 23-24 Juni 2000

Chronologies des pays du Caucase et de l'Euphrate aux 4.-3. millenaires

actes du Colloque international organise par l'Institut francais d'etudes anatoliennes d'Istanbul (IFEA) en collaboration avec l'Universite d'Istanbul (IU), le Deutsches archaologisches institut (DAI) et le British institute of archaeology at Ankara (BIAA)

Pace e guerra nel Medio Oriente in età moderna e contemporanea

Convegno SESAMO, Società di studi per il Medio Oriente, Lecce 18-20 novembre 2004

L'Oriente antico

  • Moscati, Sabatino

German orientalism in the age of empire

religion, race, and scholarship

  • Marchand, Suzanne L.

Is there a Middle East?

the evolution of a geopolitical concept

Brotherhood of kings

how international relations shaped the ancient Near East

  • Podany, Amanda H.

The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms

a political and military history

  • Bryce, Trevor R.

Between empires

Arabs, Romans, and Sasanians in late antiquity

  • Fisher, Greg

Viaggio in Egitto e in Siria


  • Volney, Constantin François: de Chasseboeuf, comte de

The violence of petro-dollar regimes

Algeria, Iraq, and Libya

  • Martínez, Luis 1965-

Fatah and the politics of violence

the institutionalization of a popular struggle

  • Kurz, Anat