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Risultati 200-220 di 450

The Near East under Roman rule

selected papers

  • Isaac, Benjamin

Cent ans de resistence au sous-developpement

L'industrialisation de l'Amerique latine et du Moyen-Orient face au defi europeen : 1770-1870

  • Batou, Jean

The Ancient Orient

an introduction to the study of the ancient Near East

  • Soden, Wolfram: von

De la Babylonie a la Syrie, en passant par Mari

melanges offerts a monsieur J.-R. Kupper a l'occasion de son 70. anniversaire

Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf

durch den Hauran, die syrische Wuste und Mesopotamien

  • Oppenheim, Max Freiherr: von

The evolution of Middle Eastern landscapes [+]

an outline to A.D. 1840

  • Wagstaff, J. Malcolm

Middle East Monarchies

the challenge of modernity

The Middle East and the United States

a historical and political reassessment