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Risultati 100-120 di 450

Sorrowful shores

violence, ethnicity, and the end of the Ottoman Empire 1912-1923

  • Gingeras, Ryan

Sacred rage

the crusade of modern Islam

  • Wright, Robin

Tribes with flags

a journey curtailed

  • Glass, Charles

The spirit of the East

an anthology of prose and verse inspired by the people, places, and legends of the East

Il Vicino Oriente antico [+]

dalle origini ad Alessandro Magno

World society and the Middle East

reconstructions in regional politics

  • Stetter, Stephan

International society and the Middle east

English school theory at the regional level

The late third millennium in the ancient Near East [+]

chronology, C14, and climate change : papers from the Oriental Institute Seminar "The early/middle bronze age transition in the ancient Near East: chronology, C14 and climate change", held at Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 7-8 March 2014

  • The early/middle bronze age transition in the ancient near east Chicago 2014

Handelsgüter und Verkehrswege

Aspekte der Warenversorgung im östlichen Mittelmeerraum (4. bis 15. Jahrhundert) : Akten des internationalen Symposions, Wien, 19.-22. Oktober 2005 : mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Karten und Plänen

Il Medio Oriente

potenza politica e ideologia

  • Halliday, Fred

Writing true stories

historians and hagiographers in the late-antique and medieval Near East

What makes civilization?

the ancient Near East and the future of the West

  • Wengrow, David

Risultati 100-120 di 450