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Risultati 180-200 di 1064

Achaemenid studies

  • Tuplin, Christopher

Recherches recentes sur l'Empire achemenide

[actes du seminaire international, Lyon 31 mars-1. avril 1997]

Historical records of Assyria [+]

from the earliest times to Sargon

  • Luckenbill, Daniel David 1881-1927

Ancient Sippar

a demographic study of an Old-Babylonian city, 1894-1595 B.C.

  • Harris, Rivkah

Ancient Mesopotamian materials and industries

the archaeological evidence

  • Moorey, P.R.S.

Nineveh, the great city

symbol of beauty and power

Espaces et territoires des colonies romaines d'Orient

journée d'étude de Besançon, 3 octobre 2013

  • Bru, Hadrien

Nippur at the centennial

papers read at the 35e Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Philadelphia, 1988

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale 35. Philadelphia 1988


a tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on his sevety-fifth birthday May 27, 1983

Index Xenophontis opusculorum

  • Róspide López, Alfredo


la civiltà fatta a pezzi

  • Saporetti, Claudio

Imagining Xerxes

ancient perspectives on a Persian king

  • Bridges, Emma