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Risultati 140-160 di 1064

The Parthians

  • Colledge, Malcolm A.R.

L'île de Failaka

archéologie du Koweït

War, peace, and empire

justifications for war in Assyrian royal inscriptions

  • Oded, Bustenay

Studi di archeologia del vicino Oriente

scritti degli allievi fiorentini per Paolo Emilio Pecorella

La femme dans le proche-orient antique

compte rendu de la XXXIIIe Rencontre assyriologique internationale (Paris, 7-10 juillet 1986)

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale 33. Paris 1987

Between the rivers and over the mountains

archaeologia anatolica et mesopotamica Alba Palmieri dedicata

The growth of an early state in Mesopotamia

studies in Ur III administration : proceedings of the First and Second Ur III worshops at the 49th and 51st Rencontre assyriologique internationale, London July 10, 2003 and Chicago July 19, 2005

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale. Ur III workshop 49 Londres 2003

Arsacids and Sasanians

political ideology in post-Hellenistic and late antique Persia

  • Shayegan, M. Rahim

The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar temple at Sippar

its administration and its prosopography

  • Bongenaar, A.C.V.M.

Risultati 140-160 di 1064