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Risultati 120-140 di 1064

Upon this foundation

the 'Ubaid reconsidered : proceedings from the 'Ubaid symposium, Elsinore May 30th - June 1st 1988

Babylone et Mésopotamie

142 photographies dont 8 en couleurs

  • Champdor, Albert


histoire d'une découverte

  • Woolley, Leonard

Images, power, and politics

figurative aspects of Esarhaddon's Babylonian policy

  • Porter, Barbara Nevling

The Uruk countryside

the natural setting of urban societies

  • Adams, Robert McCormick

Joint expedition with the Iraq museum at Nuzi VII

miscellaneous texts

  • Lacheman, Ernest René

Archives de Borsippa, la famille Ea-Ilûta-Bâni.

étude d'un lot d'archives familiales en Babylonie du VIIIe au Ve siècle av. J.-C.

  • Joannès, Francis

Nippur in late Assyrian times

c. 755-612 BC

  • Cole, Steven William

Languages and cultures in contact

at the crossroads of civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian realm : proceedings of the 42th RAI

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale 42. 1995 Leuven

Der Achämenidenhof

Akten des 2. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum Thema "Vorderasien im Spannungsfeld klassischer und altorientalischer Überlieferungen", Landgut Castelen bei Basel, 23.-25. Mai 2007

General studies and excavations at Nuzi 11/2

in honor of David I. Owen on the occasion of his 65th birthday October 28, 2005

Ancient Iran and the Mediterranean world

proceedings of sn international conference in honour of Professor Jozef Wolski held at the Jagiellonian University : Cracow, in september 1996

Risultati 120-140 di 1064