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Risultati 280-300 di 1064

Alalah IV e Mitanni

tesi di laurea

  • Chiappini, Antonio 1969-


ancient Iran and the classical world


politics, culture and religion between Parthia and Rome


genesi di una realtà urbana : tesi di laurea

  • Zucchi, Gianfranco 1974-

The Uruk phenomenon

the role of social ideology in the expansion of the Uruk culture during the fourth millennium BC

  • Collins, Paul

Das Land Sumer

die Wiederentdeckung der ersten Hochkultur der Menschheit

  • Schmökel, Hartmut

Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten

XXXIXe Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Heidelberg, 6.-10. Juli 1992

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale 29. Heidelberg 1992

Persian responses

political and cultural interaction with(in) the Achaemenid empire

Alexander's legacy in the East

studies in honor of Paul Bernard