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Risultati 140-160 di 1490


  • Löwe, Heinz

Protestantism and national identity

Britain and Ireland, c. 1650-c. 1850


  • Daiches, David

Note sull'Umanesimo in Inghilterra

  • Castelli, Alberto 1907-1971

Catholic queen, protestant patriarchy

Mary, queen of Scots, and the politics of gender and religion

  • Walton, Kristen Post

Religione, politica e commercio di libri nella rivoluzione inglese

gli autori di Giles Calvert, 1645-1653

  • Caricchio, Mario

Latin and Greek

a history of the influence of the classics on English life from 1600 to 1918

  • Ogilvie, Robert M.

Democracy and religion

Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-1875

  • Parry, Jonathan Philip

The annals of Loch Cé

reproduced at the Ordnance survey, Dublin

The Edwardian age

conflict and stability, 1900-1914


a new history

  • Lynch, Michael

Queen Anne

  • Paul, Herbert Woodfield

Risultati 140-160 di 1490