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Risultati 120-140 di 1490

Scandinavian settlement in Northen Britain

thirteen studies of place-names in their historical context

Gladstone, 1809-1874

  • Matthew, Henry Colin Gray

Le De excidio Britanniae de Gildas

les destinées de la culture latine dans l'île de Bretagne au 6. siècle

  • Kerlouegan, François

Early Irish farming

a study based mainly on the law-texts of the 7th and 8th centuries AD

  • Kelly, Fergus

Pitt and popularity

the patriot minister and London opinion during the Seven Years War

  • Peters, Marie

The Tudor age

  • Williamson, James A.

I sovrani di Ériu

  • Taviani, Paolo 1959-

The men of no property

Irish radicals and popular politics in the late eighteenth century

  • Smyth, Jim

The english Highland clans

Tudor responses to a medieval problem

  • Robson, Ralph

After the Reformation

essays in honor of J. H. Hexter


histoire d'Irlande

  • Garnier, Charles Marie

The nation, the law and the king

reform politics in England, 1789-1799

  • Graham, Jenny

Risultati 120-140 di 1490