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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 1490

La vita del dandy negli anni della Reggenza

un modello pedagogico : tesi di laurea

  • Marassini, Marzia

Ways of old

traditional life in Ireland

  • Sharkey, Olive


new approaches

British medieval castles

  • Somerset Fry, Plantagenet 1931-

The English peasant

studies, historical, local, and biographic

  • Heath, Richard

In anger

culture in the cold war, 1945-60

  • Hewison, Robert

Regnum and Sacerdotium

notes on Irish tradition

  • MacCana, Proinsias

Irland im Mittelalter

Kultur und Geschichte

  • Richter, Michael

Medieval towns

  • Schofield, John

English History 1914-1945

  • Taylor, Alan John Percivale 1906-1990

Richard Cobden

a Victorian outsider

  • Hinde, Wendy

Cromwell's major generals

godly government during the English Revolution

  • Durston, Christopher

Military and civilian in Roman Britain

cultural relationship in a frontier province

Medieval panorama

the English scene from Conquest to Reformation

  • Coulton, George Gordon