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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 1490

Il mondo che abbiamo perduto

l'Inghilterra prima dell'era industriale

  • Laslett, Peter

State and society

a social and political history of Britain, 1870-1997

  • Pugh, Martin

The Jacobite army in England, 1745

the final campaign

  • McLynn, Frank

Uniting the kingdom?

the making of British history

The radical twenties

aspects of writings, politics and culture

  • Lucas, John

Ideology and conspiracy

aspects of Jacobitism, 1689-1759

Charles II

The man and the statesman

  • Ashley, Maurice

Ireland in the age of Tudors

the destruction of Hiberno-Norman civilization

  • Edwards, Robert Dudley

Celtic Britain

  • Thomas, Charles

Historia regum Britanniae

  • Galfredus Monumetensis

The sources for the early history of Ireland

ecclesiastical : an introduction and guide

  • Kenney, James F.

Empire to welfare state

English history 1906-1967

  • Lloyd, Trevor Owen

Royalist identities

  • De Groot, Jerome 1975-

The last popular rebellion

the western rising of 1685

  • Clifton, Robin


studies in early and medieval Irish archaeology, history, and literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne

The journals of Thomas Babington Macaulay

  • Macaulay, Thomas Babington 1800-1859