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Risultati 140-160 di 803

Kosmos [+]

la cosmologia tra scienza e filosofia

A model of the universe

space-time, probability and decision

  • McCall, Storrs

Vom Anfang der Welt

Wissenschaft, Philosophie, Religion, Mythos

The dancing universe

from creation myths to the big band

  • Gleiser, Marcelo

La creazione [+]

saggio sul riduzionismo estremo e sul razionalismo militante

  • Atkins, P. W.

Perfect symmetry

  • Pagels, Heinz R.


the search for a grand unified theory of nature

  • Davies, Paul

Stars, minds and fate [+]

essays in ancient and medieval cosmology

  • North, J. D.

L'universo misterioso [+]

  • Jeans, James Hopwood

The fabric of the cosmos

space, time, and the texture of reality

  • Greene, Brian

Advances in astronomy

from the Big Bang to the Solar System

Le système du monde

histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic

  • Duhem, Pierre

On the shores of the unknown

a short history of the universe

  • Silk, Joseph