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Risultati 80-100 di 803

Cosmology and astrophysics

throughs problems

  • Padmanabhan, Thanu

Questions to the universe

ten lectures on the foundations of physics and cosmology

  • Heller, Michael

Origen and the life of the stars

a history of an idea

  • Scott, Alan

Die Kosmologie des Franciscus de Marchia

Texte, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Naturphilosophie des 14. Jahrhunderts

  • Schneider, Notker

De motu

studi di storia del pensiero su Galileo, Hegel, Huygens e Gilbert


griechische Weltbilder von Thales bis Ptolemaus

  • Ekschmitt, Werner

Astronomy, cosmology and fundamental physics

proceedings of the 3. ESO-CERN symposium, held in Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo, May 16-20, 1988

Mechanics and cosmology

in the medieval and early modern period

Dio d'acqua

incontri con Ogotemmêli

  • Griaule, Marcel

Visions of discovery

new light on physics, cosmology, and consciousness

Structures in the universe by exact methods

formation, evolution, interactions

Cargese 2006

proceedings of the international conference on string and branes ; the present paradigm for gauge interactions and comology, Cargese, France, 22 May-3 June 2006

  • International conference on strings and branes Cargese 2006


Entwurf einer physichen Weltbeschreibung

  • Humboldt, Alexander: von