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Risultati 60-80 di 803

Che cos'è la scienza

la rivoluzione di Anassimandro

  • Rovelli, Carlo 1956-


  • Bondi, Hermann

Quantum big bang cosmology

complex space-time general relativity, quantum coordinates, dodecahedral universe, inflation, and new spin 0, 1/2, 1 & 2 tachyons & imagyons

  • Blaha, Stephen

Light in Einstein's universe

the role of energy in cosmology and relativity

  • Prokhovnik, Simon Jacques

Precision cosmology

the first half million years

  • Jones, Bernard J.T.

Between quantum and cosmos

studies and essays in honor of John Archibald Wheeler

Cosmologie du 20. siècle

étude épistémologique et historique des théories de la cosmologie contemporaine

  • Merleau-Ponty, Jacques

At home in the universe

  • Wheeler, John Archibald

La natura dello spazio e del tempo [+]

come capire l'incomprensibile

  • Hawking, Stephen

Principles of physical cosmology

  • Peebles, Phillip James Edwin

The anthropic principle

proceedings of the 2. Venice conference on cosmology and philosophy

  • Venice conference on cosmology and philosophy 2. Venezia 1987

Celtic cosmology

perspectives from Ireland and Scotland

Unifying the universe

the physics of heaven and earth

  • Padamsee, Hasan