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Risultati 120-140 di 803

Cosmologie et structure a grande echelle

Les Houches, session 60., 1-28 août 1993

  • Ecole d'ete de physique theorique

The density perturbation in the universe

beyond the inflaton paradigm : proceedings of the International workshop on particle cosmology : Athens, Greece, 25-26 June 2004

  • International workshop on particle cosmology Athens 2004

Particle physics and cosmology

the fabric of spacetime : Ecole d'ete de physique des Houches, session 86., 31 july-25 august 2006 : Ecole thamtique du CNRS

  • Ecole d'ete de physique des Houches 86. Les Houches 2006

Sfere solide e cielo fluido

momenti del dibattito cosmologico nella seconda meta del Cinquecento

  • Granada, Miguel Ángel

The return to cosmology [+]

postmodern science and the theology of nature

  • Toulmin, Stephen