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Risultati 20-40 di 156

Polenta e formenton

il mais nelle campagne venete tra 16. e 20. secolo

  • Gasparini, Danilo

Cereal grain protein improvement

Vienna 6-10 december 1982

  • FAO

Les grandes productions végétales

céréale, plantes sarclées, prairies

  • Soltner, Dominique

Cereal genetics resources in Europe

report of a Cereals Network, first meeting 3-5 july 2003, Yerevan, Armenia

Überleben in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt

Annona und Getreideversorgung in Rom, 1563-1797

  • Reinhardt, Volker

Il seme, l'aratro, la messe

le coltivazioni frumentarie in Piemonte dalla preistoria alla meccanizzazione agricola

Malattie dei cereali e delle foraggere

[fasc.] 1.: Crittogame

  • Ferraris, Teodoro

Crop production

ceral and legumes

  • Bland, Brian F.

The future of cereals for human feeding and development of biotechnological research

proceedings of Symposium organized by the Section of Foggia of Experimental institute for cereal research and held in Foggia, on May 5-7, 1988

The growth of cereals and grasses

proceedings of the twelfth easter school in agricultural science, University of Nottingham, 1965

Cereal crops

  • Leonard, Warren H.

Dialoghi sul commercio dei grani [+]

  • Galiani, Ferdinando 1728-1787

Triticale [+]

today and tomorrow