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Risultati 500-520 di 3301

Le soleil à la Renaissance

sciences et mythes : [colloque international tenu en avril 1963 organisé par l'Institut pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'humanisme sous les auspices du Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Culture de Belgique]

  • Colloque international Le soleil à la renaissance Bruxelles 1963

Galaxy Formation

Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" : Course 122: Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 21

Proceedings of Japan-France Seminar on Primeval Galaxies and Related problems

  • Japan-France Seminar on Primeval Galaxies and Related Problems Grenoble 1990

Strategies for the search for life in the universe

a joint session of Commissions 16, 40, and 44, held in Montreal, Canada, during the IAU general assembly, 15 and 16 august 1979

Plasmas in the universe

proceedings of the International school of physics Enrico Fermi, course CXLII, Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 6-16 July 1999

Particles and astrophysics

a multi-messenger approach

  • Spurio, Maurizio

The origin and evolution of galaxies

proceedings of the International school of cosmology and gravitation held in Erice, Trapani, Sicily, May 11-23, 1981

Accretion processes in astrophysics

proceedings of the 21th rencontre de Moriond

Star formation

International Astronomical Union symposium no. 75 held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-10, 1976

  • Symposium International Astronomical Union 75 Geneva 1976

Essays in nuclear astrophysics

presented to William A. Fowler, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday