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Risultati 420-440 di 3301

Handbuch der Physik. Band 54

Astrophysik 5: Verschiedenes : Astrophysics 5: miscellaneous

The solar system

  • Encrenaz, Therese

Apparent places of fundamental stars 1966

containing the 1535 stars in the fourth fundamental catalogue (Fk4) : enthaltendt die 1535 Sterne des Vierten Fundamental-Katalogs (FK4)

Galaxy evolution across the hubble time

proceedings of the 235th symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-17, 2006

  • Symposium of the international astronomical union 235. Praga 2006


  • Schatzman, E.

After the first three minutes

[an astrophysics workshop devoted to the study of dark matter, galaxy formation, large scle structure, background radiations] : [University of Maryland] College Park, MD [October 15-17] 1990

  • Workshop on after the first three minutes College Park, Maryland 1990

From nuclei and their constituents to stars

proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi", course 153, Varenna on Como Lake, Villa Monastero, 6-16 August 2002

  • International school of physics Enrico Fermi 153 Varenna 2002

Advances in stellar evolution

proceedings of the workshop Stellar Ecology, held in Marciana Marina, Elba, Italy 23-29 June, 1996

Planets, stars, and orbs [+]

the medieval cosmos, 1200-1687

  • Grant, Edward

In cima alle stelle

l'universo tra arte, archeologia e scienza