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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 480-500 di 3301

Della scintillazione delle stelle

  • Donati, Giovanni Battista 1826-1873

The galactic novae

  • Gaposchkin, Cecilia Helena Payne

Our sun

  • Menzel, Donald Howard

Progress in particle and nuclear physics.

Vol. 17: the early universe and its evolution. proceedings of the international school of nuclear physics, Erice, 2-14 April 1986

Astrophysical techniques

  • Kitchin, Cristopher R.

Physical cosmology

  • Peebles, P. J. E.

Particle physics and the universe

proceedings of nobel symposium 109 : Haga Slott, Enköping, Sweden, August 20-25, 1998

  • Nobel symposium 109. Enköping, Sweden 1998

Dust in the universe

the proceedings of a conference at the Department of astronomy, University of Manchester, 14-18 December 1987

Cosmological constants

papers in modern cosmology