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Risultati 560-580 di 3301

Atlas der Himmelskunde

auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der coelestischen Photographie

  • Schweiger-LerchenfeldAmand Freiherr von 1846-1910

Proprieta' fisiche delle nebulose oscure

tesi di laurea

  • Corbellini, Gustavo

Theory of stellar atmospheres

an introduction to astrophysical non-equilibrium quantitative spectroscopic analysis

  • Hubeny, Ivan

Atlante astronomico

XLI tavole miniate e III tavole zincografate, con testo e illustrazioni

  • Celoria, Giovanni


Cosmic Catastrophe and the Fate of the Universe

  • Close, Frank

Planetary science in Europe

present state and outlook for the future

Sun and planetary system

proceedings of the sixth european regional meeting in astronomy, held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 19-23 October 1981

  • European regional meeting in astronomy 6. Dubrovnik, Croazia 1981

Rr lyrae stars

  • Smith, Horace A.

Planetary science

the science of planets around stars

  • Cole, George Herbert Avery