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Risultati 380-400 di 1382

Effectors, behavior and evolution

third annual Karger workshop, New Orleans, La., November 9, 1991

Chemosensing and chemosignaling in reptiles

proceedings of a satellite conference on reptilian chemical senses and signals held at "The Chemical signals in vertebrates" meeting, Philadelphia, June 16-21, 1991

  • Conference on reptilian chemical senses and signals Philadelphia 1991

Die Descendenztheorie

gemeinverständliche Vorlesungen über den Auf- und Niedergang einer naturwissenschaftlichen Hypothese

  • Fleischmann, Albert

La comunicazione chimica negli animali

i feromoni : impiego clinico nel gatto : tesi di laurea

  • Macelloni, Silvia

Respiratory function in birds, adult and embryonic

satellite symposium of the 27th International congress of physiological sciences, Paris, 1977, held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen (FRG), July 28-30 1977

Manuale di genetica [+]

  • Gianferrari, Luisa

La vie et la lumière

biophotogénése ou production de la lumière par les êtres vivants. Action de la lumière visible, des radiations ultra-violettes ...

  • Dubois, Raphaël 1849-1929


  • Maddrell, Simon H.P.

Système nerveux cérébro-spinal

juillet 1938 - juillet 1939

  • Riese, Walther

Bird navigation

  • Matthews, Geoffrey Vernon Townsend

Les androgènes

étude biologique, clinique et thérapeutique

  • Simonnet, Henri