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Risultati 300-320 di 1382

Crania habessinica

contributo all'antropologia dell'Africa orientale

  • Sergi, Sergio

Excitable cells

  • Miles, Frederick Albert

L'organisation de la matière dans ses rapports avec la vie

études d'anatomie générale et de morphologie expérimentale sur le tissu conjonctif et le nerf

  • Nageotte, Jean

Neural darwinism

the theory of neuronal group selection

  • Edelman, Gerald M.

Neurobiological aspects of maturation and aging

proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the International society of psychoneuroendocrinology and held at Downstate medical center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., USA, June 26-29, 1972

Meccanismi neurochimici di regolazione del sonno desincronizzato

ruolo dei recettori ß-adrenergici : tesi di specializzazione

  • Tononi, Giulio

Studies on specific gravity of hens' eggs

a new method for determining the percentage of shell in hens' eggs

  • Olsson, Nils


  • Sterzi, Giuseppe