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Risultati 200-220 di 1382

Animal navigation

  • Waterman, Talbot H.

Genetic variation and its maintenance

with particular reference to tropical populations

Le peuplement de l'Europe

etat actuel, origines et evolution

  • Poisson, Georges

Unveiling man's origins

ten decades of thought about human evolution

  • Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett

Nuove ricerche sull'origine reale dei nervi cerebrali

glossofaringeo, acustico, facciale, abducente e trigemino

  • Laura, Giovanni Battista

Hypophysiotropic hormones of the hypothalamus

assay and chemistry : proceedings of the workshop conference, sponsored by National institute of arthritis and metabolic diseases and the National institute of child health and human development, Tucson, Arizona, January 8-11 1969

Sensory specialization in response to environmental demands

proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological society of London, Regent's Park, London on 4th March 1960