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Risultati 320-340 di 1382

Advances in invertebrate reproduction [+]

proceedings of the second international symposium of the International society of invertebrate reproduction, held in Davis, California, on August 27-31, 1979

  • International society for invertebrate reproduction

Derivatives of the prosencephalon

diencephalon and telencephalon

Mechanisms of integration in the nervous system

based on a discussion meeting held in Wakulla Springs in March 1984

Neurotransmitters and their receptors

based on a workshop sponsored by the European Molecular Biology Organization and The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, February 1980

Una necropoli preistorica a incinerazione nel nord-est della Sicilia?

vaso-ossuario in custodia di scaglie rinvenuto a Milazzo, Messina

  • Griffo, Pietro

A new stereotaxic coordinate system for the rabbit's brain stem ; The medial lemniscus of the rabbit

its course through the brain stem and the origin, fibre-content and termination of its components

  • Matricali, Bartolomeo

Insect hormones

  • Wigglesworth, Vincent Brian