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Risultati 420-440 di 1382

I feromoni sessuali in ditteri d'interesse economico e possibili applicazioni

[elaborato finale per laurea triennale] : tesi di laurea

  • Puccinelli, Martina

Origins of man

physical anthropology

  • Buettner-Janusch, John

Ideas on human evolution

selected essays, 1949-1961

Spiking neuron models

single neurons, populations, plasticity

  • Gerstner, Wulfram

The cortex of the rat

a stereotaxic atlas

  • Zilles, Karl

Dynamics of degeneration and growth in neurons

proceedings of the international symposium held in Wenner-Gren center, Stockholm, May 1973

The neuropeptides

pharmacology, physiological substrates and behavioral effects : proceedings of the bicentennial neuropeptide conference held under the auspices of the International society for psychoneuroendocrinology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 28 through July 1, 1976

  • Bicentennial neuropeptide conference Philadelphia 1976

Man's natural history

  • Weiner, Joseph Sidney

Le necropoli di Hipponion-Vibo Valentia

notizia antropologica preliminare

  • Ronco, Daniele