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Risultati 140-160 di 694


women and the discourses of sciences

Donna o cosa?

cronistoria dei movimenti femminili in Italia dal Risorgimento a oggi

El feminismo en Espana

dos siglos de historia

Thinking fragments [+]

psychoanalysis, feminism, and postmodernism in the contemporary west

  • Flax, Jane

Am I that name?

feminism and the category of women in history

  • Riley, Denise

Embodied practices

feminist perspectives on the body

Born female

the high cost of keeping women down

  • Bird, Caroline

Die Macht der Sorge

die philosophische Artikulation von Geschlechterverhältnissen in Heideggers "Sein und Zeit"

  • Lettow, Susanne

Sex and power

the rise of women in America, Russia, Sweden and Italy

  • Meyer, Donald

Feminism and philosophy

perspectives on difference and equality

  • Gatens, Moira

Women and gender in Islam

historical roots of a modern debate

  • Ahmed, Leila

Freedom, feminism and the state

an overview of individualist feminism

Speculum [+]

l'altra donna

  • Irigaray, Luce

Conquistiamo il potere di star bene

le streghe son tornate

  • Collettivo per il salario contro il lavoro domestico