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Risultati 80-100 di 694

Histoire du féminisme

  • Riot-Sarcey, Michèle

Donne e diritto

due secoli di legislazione, 1796-1986

The Bible and feminism

remapping the field

Further adventures of The dialectic of sex

critical essays on Shulamith Firestone

Moral prejudices

essays on ethics

  • Baier, Annette C.

Whats wrong with rights?

problems for feminist politics of law

  • Kingdom, Elizabeth

Sexing the self

gendered positions in cultural studies

  • PROBYN, Elspeth

Women, history & theory

the essays of Joan Kelly

  • Kelly, Joan

Die andere Halfte der globalisierung

Menschenrechte, Okonomie und Medialitat aus feministischer Sicht

Bodies that matter

on the discursive limits of sex

  • Butler, Judith

L'egalite en marche

le feminisme sous le troisieme Republique

  • Klejman, Laurence

Sex, gender, and the politics of ERA

a State and the Nation

  • Mathews, Donald G.

Feminist political theory

an introduction

  • Bryson, Valerie


a feminist reader