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Risultati 100-120 di 694

Destabilizing theories

contemporary feminist debates


feminism and cultural studies

Schooling German girls and women

secondary and higher education in the 19. century

  • Albisetti, James C.

La potenza femminista

o il desiderio di cambiare tutto

  • Gago, Veronica

Gender at the crossroads of knowledge

feminist anthropology in the postmodern era

Decolonizing feminisms

race, gender, & empire-building

  • Donaldson, Laura E.

Sex and Class in Womens History

Essays from Feminist Studies

Se la felicità...

per una critica al capitalismo a partire dall'essere donna : Roma, 21 marzo 1992


feminist perspectives

  • Lister, Ruth

Dislocating cultures

identities, traditions, and third-world feminism

  • Narayan, Uma

Nelle maglie della politica

femminismo, istituzioni e politiche sociali nell'Italia degli anni '70

  • Ergas, Yasmine

Women in German history

from bourgeois emancipation to sexual liberation

  • Frevert, Ute

Women and socialism, socialism and women

Europe between the two World Wars

The ethics of care [+]

personal, political, and global

  • Held, Virginia

Hegel and feminist social criticism

justice, recognition, and the feminine

  • Gauthier, Jeffrey A.

Risultati 100-120 di 694