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Risultati 40-60 di 694

Judith Butler

from norms to politics

  • Lloyd, Moya

Limits of liberation

praxis as method in Latin American liberation theology and feminist theology

  • Vuola, Elina

Feminism in the news

representations of the women’s movement since the 1960s

  • Mendes, Kaitlynn

The grand domestic revolution

a history of feminist designs for American homes, neighborhoods and cities

  • Hayden, Dolores

Subversive property

law and the production of spaces of belonging

  • Keenan, Sarah

The man question

male subordination and privilege

  • Dowd, Nancy E.

Femminismo senza frontiere

teoria, differenze, conflitti

  • Mohanty, Chandra Talpade

Gender and cosmopolitanism in Europe

a feminist perspective

  • Vieten, Ulrike

Operárias e burguesas

as mulheres no tempo da República

  • Samara, Maria Alice

Maschile e femminile [+]

il pensiero della differenza

  • Héritier, Françoise

Sexe, genre et sexualités

introduction à la théorie féministe

  • Dorlin, Elsa

Oltre il ponte

pensieri di una femminista di frontiera, 1976-2001

  • Ingrao, Chiara

Gender history in a transnational perspective

networks, biographies, gender orders

Resisting injustice and the feminist ethics of care in the age of Obama

suddenly, ... all the truth was coming out

  • Richards, David A. J.

Fortune del femminismo

dal capitalismo regolato dallo Stato alla crisi neoliberista

  • Fraser, Nancy

Feminist visions of development

gender, analysis and policy