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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 260-280 di 1132

Development economics

theory and practice

  • Janvry, Alain: de

Handbook on impact evaluation

quantitative methods and practices

  • Khandker, Shahidur R.

How regions grow

trends and analysis

Information flows

new approaches in the historical study of business information

New directions in development ethics

essays in honor of Denis Goulet

Potenze economiche emergenti

Cina e India a confronto

Non c'è Nord senza Sud

perchè la crescita dell'Italia si decide nel Mezzogiorno

  • Trigilia, Carlo

Pillars of prosperity

the political economics of development clusters

  • Besley, Timothy

Nuova geografia delle macro regioni

l'Asia orientale si confronta con il mondo

Fine corsa

intervista su crisi e decrescita

  • Latouche, Serge [Intervistato]

Globalization and competition

why some emergent countries succeed while others fall behind

  • Bresser Pereira, Luiz Carlos