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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 360-380 di 1132

New growth theory

an applied perspective

  • Sengupta, Jati K.

Vital signs 2000

i trend ambientali e sociali che disegnano il nostro futuro

  • Brown, Lester R. 1934- ambientalista

National competitiveness and economic growth

the changing determinants of economic performance in the world economy

  • Hämäläinen, Timo J.

Reseaux d'innovation et milieux innovateurs

un pari pour le developpement regional

Growth, unemployment, distribution and government

essays on current economic issues

  • Borooah, Vani

State, market and civil organizations

new theories, new practices and their implications for rural development

Beyond brundtland

green development in the 1990s

  • Court, Thijs: de la

Inventario de institutos de investigacion y de capacitacion en el campo del desarrollo en America Latina

  • Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economicoInternational development information network

A world to make

development in perpective

Learning from "Learning by doing"

lessons for economic growth

  • Solow, Robert M.