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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 1132

Changing course

a global business perspective on development and the environment

  • Schmidheiny, Stephan

Le trasformazioni del Mezzogiorno

realtà e problemi tra l'antico e il nuovo

Fear and fortune

spirit worlds and emerging economies in the Mongolian gold rush

  • High, Mette M.

Theorists of economic growth from David Hume to the present

with a perspective on the next century

  • Rostow, Walt Whitman

La Cassa per il Mezzogiorno nel Lazio

strategie per lo sviluppo di un'economia di frontiera (1950-1993)

  • Palermo, Stefano

The rise and fall of economic growth

a study in contemporary thought

  • Arndt, Heinz Wolfgang


the politics of alternative development

  • Friedmann, John

Sustainable development

exploring the contradictions

  • Redclift, Michael