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Risultati 1240-1260 di 2929

Ptolemais in Oberägypten

ein Beitrag zurGeschichte des Hellenismus in Ägypten

  • Plaumann, Gerhard

Quelques observations sur l'épisode d'Aristée

a propos d'un monument égyptien

  • Virey, Philippe

Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists

Cambridge, 3-9 September 1995

  • International Congress of Egyptologists 7. 1995 Cambridge

Ptolemy I

king and pharaoh of Egypt

  • Worthington, Ian

Karanis revealed

discovering the past and present of a Michigan excavation in Egypt

L'Egitto di Francesco Ballerini

un egittologo comasco agli inizi del Novecento : atti della giornata di studi, lettere, fotografie

Herihor in art and iconography

kingship and the gods in the ritual landscape of late new kingdom Thebes

  • Gregory, Steven R. W.


la déesse-reine

  • Schwentzel, Christian-Georges


topographical and architectural report of excavations during the seasons 1924-28

  • Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly


ricerche italiane e scavi in Egitto : raccolta delle relazioni di scavo delle missioni italiane in Egitto


II, Das Grab des Prinzen Netjer-aperef : die Mastaba II/1 in Dahschur

  • Alexanian, Nicole

Städtisches Beamtenwesen im römischen Ägypten

inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der ... Universität Halle-Wittenberg

  • Preisigke, Friedrich