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Risultati 1140-1160 di 2929


une garnison romaine dans le désert oriental d'Égypte

Four eighteenth dynasty tombs

  • Säve-Söderbergh, Torgny

The Cambridge history of Africa

Vol. I, From the earliest times to c. 500 BC

Journey to the west

the world of the old kingdom tombs in ancient Egypt

  • Barta, Miroslav

Le premier nome de sud de l'Égypte au Moyen Empire

fouilles de la mission espagnole à Qoubbet el-Haoua (Assouan) 2008-2018

  • Jimenez Serrano, Alejandro

Holding Egypt

tracing the reception of the Description de l'Égypte in nineteenth-century Great Britain

  • Bednarski, Andrew

Ägypten begreifen

Erika Endesfelder in memoriam

The Oasis papers 9

a tribute to Anthony J. Mills after forty years of research in the Dakhleh Oasis : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project

  • International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis project 9. Prato 2018

Guardian of ancient Egypt

studies in honor of Zahi Hawass

Gebel es-Silsilah

1, The shrines

  • Caminos, Ricardo Augusto

Catalogue of the monuments of Ancient Egypt

from the museums of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bielorussia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and the Baltic States

  • Berlev, Oleg

Dakhleh oasis project

preliminary reports on the 1994-1995 TO 1998-1999 field seasons

Artibus Aegypti

studia in honorem Bernardi 5. Bothmer a collegis amicis et discipulis conscripta