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Risultati 1200-1220 di 2929

The Middle Kingdom in Egypt

internal history from the rise of the Heracleopolitans to the death of Ammenemes III

  • Hayes, William C.

La classe ouvrière sous les pharaons

étude du village de Deir el Medineh

  • Della Monica, Madeleine

The road to Kadesh

a historical interpretation of the battle reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak

  • Murnane, William J.

The Egyptians

an introduction to Egyptian archaeology

  • Ruffle, John

Amenophis I

Versuch einer Darstellung der Regierungszeit e ägyptischen Herrschers der frühen 18. Dynastie

  • Schmitz, Franz-Jürgen

Ancient Asyut

the first synthesis after 300 years of research

  • Kahl, Jochem

Une résidence royale égyptienne

Tell Abyad à l'époque ramesside

  • Minault-Gout, Anne

Deir El-Gebrawi

Volume III, The Southern Cliff, The tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau

  • Kanawati, Naguib

Dra' Abu el-Naga I


  • Kruck, Elisabeth

Bakchias V

rapporto preliminare della campagna di scavo del 1997 : missione congiunta delle università di Bologna e di Lecce in Egitto

Gold of praise

studies on ancient Egypt in honor of Edward F. Wente

Die Kulturbeziehungen Altägyptens zum Auslande

Vortrag zur Winckelmannsfeier am 9. Dezember 1895 in Bonn

  • Wiedemann, Alfred