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Risultati 60-80 di 322

Bürger unter sich

Phylen in den Städten des kaiserzeilichen Ostens

  • Kunnert, Ursula

Nuit de pleine lune sur Amurru

mélanges offerts à Leila Badre

Assyromania and more

in memory of Samuel M. Paley

Land der Bibel

  • Rogerson, John

Die Aramäisch-Assyrische Stadt Guzana

ein Rückblick auf die Ausgrabungen Max von Oppenheims in Tell Halaf

  • Orthmann, Winfried

Incontri tra culture nell'oriente ellenistico e romano

atti del convegno di studi, Ravenna 11-12 marzo 2005

  • Convegno di studi Incontri tra culture nell'oriente ellenistico e romano Ravenna 2005

More than meets the eye

studies on upper Palaeolithic diversity in the Near East


territories, frontiers and horizons in the ancient Near East : papers presented to the XLIV Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Venezia, 7-11 July 1997

  • Rencontre assyriologique internationale 44. Venezia 1997

Oriental studies

presented to Benedikt S.J. Isserlin by friends and colleagues on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday 25 February 1976

Atlas of the ancient Near East

from prehistoric times to the roman imperial period

  • Bryce, Trevor R.

Pharaoh in Canaan

the untold story

  • Ben-Tor, Daphna

Canaanite gods in metal

an archaeological study of ancient Syro-Palestinian figurines

  • Negbi, Ora

Tell-Mureybet (Syrie, IXe-VIIe millénaires)

étude archéozoologique et problèmes d'écologie humaine. 1, Les niveaux I-XVII (fouilles Van Loon) et la phase IV (fouilles Cauvin)

  • Ducos, Pierre

D'Alexandre à Zénobie

histoire du levant antique : 4. siècle avant J.-C.-3. siècle après J.-C.

  • Sartre, Maurice