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Risultati 140-160 di 322

Neolithic chipped stone industries of the Fertile Crescent

proceedings of the first workshop on PPN chipped lithic industries : seminar fur Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Free University of Berlin, 29th March-2nd April, 1993 : studies in early near eastern production, subsistence, and environment 1

The Golan

a profile of a region during the Roman and Byzantine periods

  • Urman, Dan

The Greco-Roman east

politics, culture, society

Stone tools of prehistoric Arabia

papers from the special session of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held in July 2019 in Leiden

Aspects of ancient oriental historiography

contribution to the Symposium, Charles University 1973

  • Pecirkova, Jana

Celestino Schiaparelli (1841-1919)

his legacy et the Oriental School of Sapienza

Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orient

Mesopotamien, Hethiterreich, Syrien-Palästina, Urartu

The ancient Near East

a history

  • Hallo, William W.


studies presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the occasion of his 65th birthday