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Risultati 20-40 di 322

Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung

Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Kaiser, Heer und Städten im Syrien der vorseverischen Zeit

  • Gebhardt, Axel

Kataba und Saba

Entdeckung der verschollenen Königreiche an den biblischen Gewürzstrassen Arabiens

  • Phillips, Wendell


studies in the history and culture of the ancient near east and the eastern Mediterranean : Festschrift für Josef Wiesehöfer zum 65. Geburtstag

Liber expugnationis regionum

  • Baladhuri, Ahmad b. Yahya

From foraging to agriculture

the Levant at the end of the Ice Age

  • Henry, Donald O.

Dell'antica urbanistica romana nel Medio-Oriente

studio pubblicato con i contributi del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche

  • Dodi, Luigi

Atti del 1. Convegno italiano sul Vicino Oriente antico

Roma, 22-24 aprile 1976

  • Convegno italiano sul Vicino Oriente antico 1. Roma 1976


ein aramaischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis. 8. Jhs. v.Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung

  • Wartke, Ralf-Bernhard

The ancient Near East

an anthology of texts and pictures

The world of the Aramaeans

II, Studies in history and archaeology in honour of Paul-Eugène Dion

Formation, organisation and development of iron age societies

a comparative view : proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016

Monarchies and socio-religious traditions in the ancient Near East

papers read at the 31st International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa

Juifs et Nabatéens

les monarchies ethniques du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romain

  • Schwentzel, Christian-Georges

Byblos et l'Égypte

quatre campagnes de fouilles à Gebeil 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924

  • Montet, Pierre