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Risultati 60-80 di 462

Josephus, the Emperors, and the city of Rome

from hostage to historian

  • Hollander, William den

Sennacherib at the gates of Jerusalem

story, history and historiography

Hazorea I

a joint research project of Centro camuno di studi preistorici, Italy, Tel Aviv University and Beth Wilfrid Musem of Hazorea, Israel

Jerusalem in the time of Jesus

an investigation into economic and social conditions during the New Testament period

  • Jeremias, Joachim

L'archeologia del culto del Levante meridionale nell'età del Ferro

un approccio contestuale : tesi di dottorato

  • Oggiano, Ida

City of shepherd kings

Ancient Gaza V

  • Petrie, William Matthew Flinders

Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in Jerusalem, 1961-1967

4, The Iron Age cave deposits on the South-east Hill and isolated burials and cemeteries elsewhere


excavating 3000 years of history

  • Kenyon, Kathleen Mary

The excavations at Dominus Flevit (Mount Olivet, Jerusalem)

Part II, The Jebusite burial place

  • Saller, Sylvester

Der Gott der Makkabäer

Untersuchungen über Sinn und Ursprung der makkabäischen Erhebung

  • Bickerman, Elias J.

The son of a star

  • Borchsenius, Poul