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Risultati 40-60 di 462

Strafgewalt und Provinzialherrschaft

eine Untersuchung zur Strafgewaltspraxis der römischen Statthalter in Judäa (6-66 n.Chr.)

  • Kirner, Guido O.

Die Israeliten und Ihre Nachbarstämme

Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen

  • Meyer, Eduard

Archaeological heritage in the Jericho Oasis

a systematic catalogue of archaeological sites for the sake of their protection and cultural valorisation

Hethitica 14

25e. anniversaire de la collection (1972-1997)

Excavations at Jericho

  • Kenyon, Kathleen Mary

Herod Antipas

  • Hoehner, Harold W.

Abraham ibn Daud's Dorot 'Olam (Generations of the ages)

a critical edition and translation of Zikhron Divrey Romi, Divrey Malkhey Yisra'el, and the Midrash on Zechariah

  • Ibn Daud, Abraham ben David Halevi

Iudaea socia Iudaea capta

atti del convegno internazionale : Cividale del Friuli, 22-24 settembre 2011

Near Eastern destruction datings as sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age chronology

archaeological and historical studies : the cases of Samaria (722 b.C.) and Tarsus (696 b.C.)

  • Forsberg, Stig

Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009)

final report : the Hellenistic and Roman strata