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Risultati 180-200 di 462

Judaea in Hellenistic and Roman times

historical and archaeological essays

  • Applebaum, Shimon

Recent excavations in Israel

studies in Iron age archaeology

Cornucopia [+]

studies in honor of Arthur Segal

The formation of the state in ancient Israel

a survey of models and theories

  • Frick, Frank S.

Khirbet al-Batrawy 3.

the EB 2.-3. triple fortification line, and the EB 3.B quarter inside the city-wall : preliminary report of the fourth (2008) and fifth (2009) seasons of excavations

Judas Maccabaeus

the Jewish struggle against the Seleucids

  • Bar-Kochva, Bezalel

The invention of ancient Israel

the silencing of Palestinian history

  • Whitelam, Keith W.

Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae

[a multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad]

The Holy Land

an Oxford archeological guide from earliest times to 1700

  • Murphy-OʼConnor, Jerome

Pomegranates and golden bells

studies in biblical, Jewish and Near Eastern ritual, law, and literature in honor of Jacob Milgrom

Al di là del Giordano

breve viaggio archeologico-urbanistico attraverso i paesi del mondo biblico

  • Bandini, Francesco

Studies in the history and archaeology of Palestine

proceedings of the First International Symposium on Palestine antiquities

  • International symposium on Palestine antiquities 1. Aleppo 1981

The Arameans

their ancient history, culture, religion

  • Lipinski, Edward

The Masada myth

collective memory and mythmaking in Israel

  • Ben-Yehuda, Nachman

Hazor, Israel

an urban community of the 8. century B. C. E.

  • Geva, Shulamit

Kanaan, Israel, Palästina

ein Gang durch die Geschichte des Heiligen Landes

  • Jaroš, Karl

People of the sea

the search for the Philistines

  • Dothan, Trude


Jews amidst Greeks and Romans

  • Gruen, Erich S.