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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 175

Geologia del sedimentario [+]

rocce, strutture sedimentarie, ambienti deposizionali

  • Tucker, Maurice E.

Rocce sedimentarie [+]

guida alla descrizione sugli affioramenti rocciosi

  • Tucker, Maurice E.

Temper sands in prehistoric Oceanian pottery

geotectonics, sedimentology, petrography, provenance

  • Dickinson, William R.

Microfacies of carbonate rocks [+]

analysis, interpretation and application

  • Flügel, Erik

Sedimentary petrology [+]

an introduction to the origin of sedimentary rocks

  • Tucker, Maurice E.

De septaria

guida alle septarie e ai loro minerali e macrofossili

  • Emiliani, Giancarlo

Regional diagenetic patterns in the St. Peter Sandstone

implications for brine migration in the Illinois Basin

  • Pitman, Janet K.


altered volcanic-ash layers in coal-bearing sequences

  • Bohor, Bruce Forbes 1932n.

Origin and mineralogy of clays

clays and the environment

Sedimentary rocks in the field

a colour guide

  • Stow, D. A. V.

Sand and sandstone

  • Pettijohn, Francis John

Sedimentology and sedimentary basins

from turbulence to tectonics

  • Leeder, Mike R.

Risultati 100-120 di 175