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Risultati 40-60 di 175

Sedimentary rocks

concepts and history

Treatise on sedimentation

  • Twenhofel, William H.

Basin analysis

principles and application to petroleum play assessment

  • Allen, Philip A.


process and product

  • Leeder, M.R.

XI. Congreso Español de sedimentologia

guia de las excursiones

  • Congreso Espanol de Sedimentologia 11 Barcellona 1986

Physicochemical investigations of sedimentary iron and manganese ores and associated rocks

oxidation-reduction and acid-alkaline properties of sedimentary ore complexes

  • Sokolova, E.I.

Depositional sedimentary environments

with reference to terrigenous clastics

  • Reineck, Hans-Erich

Authigenic minerals in sedimentary rocks

  • Teodorovich, Georgiæi Ivanovich

Sedimentary rocks [+]

  • Pettijohn, Francis John