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Risultati 80-100 di 175

Sedimentary processes

depositional processes in ancient carbonates : selected papers reprinted from Journal of sedimentary petrology and SEPM special publication number 14

  • Cys, John M.


1, Methoden der Sediment-Untersuchung

  • Engelhardt, Wolf von

Sedimentary basins

evolution, facies, and sediment budget

  • Einsele, Gerhard

Manual of carbonate sedimentology

a lexicographical approach

  • Reijers, T. J. A.

Sedimentology of some flysch deposits

a graphic approach to facies interpretation

  • Bouma, Arnold H.

Principles of lithogenesis

  • Strakhov, Nikolaæi Mikhaæilovich

Sedimentary rocks in the field

a colour guide

  • Stow, Dorrik A.V.

Depositional environments and paleoecology

environmental models in ancient sediments : selected papers reprinted from Journal of sedimentary petrology

Sedimentology and ore genesis

proceedings of a symposium, held during the sixth International sedimentological Congress Delft - 1963

La pietra di Firenzuola nell'alto Mugello

aspetti geologico-ambientali ed economico-aziendali di un settore in sviluppo


exclusion and removal of sediment from diverted water

  • Raudkivi, Arved J.