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Risultati 160-180 di 1382

Goethes Verhältnis zur Mineralogie und Geognosie

Rede gehalten zur Feier der akademischen Preisverteilung am 16. Juni 1906

  • Linck, Gottlob

Single-chain silicates [+]

  • Deer, William Alexander

Verfarbung und lumineszenz

beitrage zur mineralphysik

  • Przibram, Karl

Systematics of minerals

data, literature, crystallography, element register, petrography

  • Hölzel, Alexander R.

Tenth conference on clay mineralogy and petrology in Ostrava

August 26-29, 1986

  • Conference on clay mineralogy and petrology 10. Ostrava (Czechoslovakia) 1986

Il Monte Capanne

ricerche litologiche

  • Aloisi, Piero

Les richesses minérales de l'Afrique

l'or, les metaux, le diamant, les phosphates ... : Algerie et Tunisie-Egypte-Abyssinie ...

  • De Launay, Louis

Les terres rares

minéralogie, propriétés, analyse

  • Truchot, Paul

Papers and proceedings of the third General meeting

Washington, D.C., April 17-20, 1962

  • International Mineralogical Association General Meeting 3. Washington 1962

Zeolite molecular sieves

structure, chemistry and use

  • Breck, Donald W.