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Risultati 140-160 di 1382


the minerals in the ancient slags

  • Gelaude, Piet

Optical properties of minerals

a determinative table

  • Winchell, Horace

Pyroxenes and amphiboles

crystal chemistry and phase petrology

Clays and clay technology

proceedings of the first National Conference on Clay and clay technology

  • National conference on clays and clay technology 1. Berkeley 1952

Les minéraux et les roches [+]

études pratiques de cristallographie pétrographie et minéralogie

  • Buttgenbach, H.

Matériaux argileux

structure, propriétés et applications

Analisi e preparazione dei minerali [+]

bibliografia internazionale scientifico-tecnica

  • Centro di studi per la preparazione dei minerali

Les pierres

esquisses minéralogiques

  • Simonin, Louis-Laurent

Traduzione e commento del De lapidibus di Gerolamo Cardano

dal libro VII del De subtilitate, edizione del 1560

  • Cardano, Girolamo 1501-1576


Bestimmung und Unterscheidung der Edelsteine und Schmucksteine : die kunstliche Darstellung der Edelsteinevon

  • Doelter, C.

Norsk geologisk tidsskrift

utgitt av noosk geologisk forening, Oslo : forelesninger hold ved advanced study Institute of feldspar Oslo, 1962

Applied ore microscopy

theory and technique

Risultati 140-160 di 1382