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Risultati 60-80 di 1382

Petrographic mineralogy

  • Wahlstrom, Ernest Eugene

Georg Agricola, 1494-1555

Begründer dreier Wissenschaften : Mineralogie, Geologie, Bergbaukunde

  • Hartmann, Hans nato 1888

Elements, oxides, and silicates

high-pressure phases with implications for the Earth's interior

  • Liu, Lin-gun


die Eigenheiten von Bergkristall, Rauchquarz, Amethyst und anderen Varietaten

  • Rykart, Rudolf

Marine carbonates

  • Milliman, John D


  • Tongiorgi Tomasi, Lucia

Syngenesis and epigenesis in the formation of mineral deposits

a volume in honour of professor G. Christian Amstutz on the occasion of his 60. birthday with special reference to one of his main scientific interests

Biomineralization II

mineralization using synthetic polymers and templates

Sedimentary processes

processes of detrital sedimentation : selected papers reprinted from Journal of sedimentary petrology and Society of economic paleontologists and mineralogists special publications

  • Klein, George deVries

Chimie minérale

généralités des études des éléments

  • Nekrassov, Boris

Mineralogy [+]

concepts and principles

  • Zoltai, Tibor

Double-chain silicates

  • Deer, William Alexander