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Risultati 1-20 di 632

Quantum mechanics [+]

principles and formalism

  • McWeeny, R.

Quantum mechanics

  • Newing, Robert Albert

Functional integrals and their applications

notes of a course for the "Troisième cycle de la physique en Suisse Romande" given in Lausanne, Switzerland, during the summer of 1992

  • Brydges, David C.

Potential scattering

  • De Alfaro, Vittorio

Ultra-cold atoms

  • Gardiner, Crispin W.

Angular momentum

understanding spatial aspects in chemistry and physics

  • Zare, Richard N.

Weimar culture and quantum mechanics

selected papers by Paul Forman and contemporary perspectives on the Forman thesis

  • Forman, Paul

Les méthodes nouvelles en analyse quantique

(Mécanique quantique. Mécanique ondulatoire)

  • Pacotte, Julien

Quantum mechanics

  • Sokolov, Arsenii Aleksandrovic

Risultati 1-20 di 632